Cytochemical Staining of Leukemias

Stain |Site of Action |Cells Stained |Comments |Image
Primary Granules;
Auer Rods
Myeloblasts; Granulocytes;
Monocytes slight positive
Separates AML+ from AML-

Sudan Black B Phospholipids
Myeloblasts; Granulocytes;
Monocytes slight positive
Separates AML+ from AML-

Naphthol AS-DChloroacetate/(CAE) – specific esterase
Neutrophilic granulocytes;
Mast cells
Separates AML+ from AML-

Periodic acid-Schiff Stain (PAS)
Glycogen Granular pattern with negative background in lymphoblasts.
Positive in erythroleukemia, abnormal erythrocyte precursors, and ALL

Also, histochemical staining for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) can be useful in determining that the blast is of lymphoid lineage. TdT is an enzyme found in immature (developing) lymphocytes which functions to help synthesize their specific antigen receptors.

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