Transfusion Associated Disease

Disease Standard Donor Testing Methodology Detection Marker Optimal Sensitivity time frame Type of Disease Deferral Notes
HepA No anti-HAV IgM Picornaviridae mostl fecal-oral transferred
HepB Yes ChLIA or EIA HBsAg Hepadnaviridae
HepB Yes ChLIA or EIA anti-HBc >38 days Hepadnaviridae
HepB Yes PCR HBV DNA Hepadnaviridae
HepC Yes ChLIA or EIA anti-HCV >7 days
HepC Yes PCR HCV RNA Flaviviridae
HepD No ChLIA or EIA anti-HDV Viroid this virus is always a co-infection with HBV
HepD No ChLIA or EIA HDVAg Viroid
HepD No PCR HDV RNA Viroid
HepE No ChLIA or EIA anti-HEV Calciviridae mostl fecal-oral transferred
HepG No PCR HGV RNA Flaviviridae
HIV 1 Yes PCR Anti-HIV 1, HIV RNA >9 days Retroviridae permanent defferal
HIV 2 Yes PCR Anti-HIV 2 Retroviridae permanent defferal
HTVL I/II Yes ChLIA or EIA Anti-HTLV I/II Retroviridae permanent defferal requires confirmatory testing by RIPA or Western Blot
WNV Yes PCR WNV RNA Flaviviridae IgM antibody test also available
CMV No ELISA, PCR, flourescence assay, indirect hemagglutination, and latex agglutination
EBV No causes serious issues in immunocompromised
HB19 Parvovirus No
Herpesvirus No
Syphilis (RPR w/FTA-ABS) Yes ??? Many True and False Positives. Prevalent among High schools
other bacteria/ticks No
Babesia No ChLIA or EIA IgG to organism tick bite parasite
T. Cruzi (Chagas) Yes Peripheral Blood Smear visual Spirochete permanent defferal RIPA test available but I has many false negatives
T. Cruzi (Chagas) Yes Peripheral Blood Smear visual Spirochete permanent defferal RIPA test available but I has many false negatives
Malaria No Peripheral Blood Smear visual
Zika Yes NAT Flaviviridae
Ebola Yes Zika RNA